We've been commended!

Last night, we held our annual Christmas party at the People’s Kitchen. The party is just one of the ways our volunteers work to ensure that our Friends can enjoy a merry Christmas.

We were delighted to be joined by Ray and Billy from the wonderful Lindisfarne Story who did us the honour of switching on our Christmas lights.

The brilliant Northern Brass Monkey band and the Sisters of Harmony choir provided incredible music, while delicious food was cooked up by Pimp My Pig and Meat Stack.

Santa gave out gifts from the Mother’s Union, including plush hooded blankets. Lots of dancing, singing and fun was had by all.

We were also extremely proud to accept a commendation from David Wilson Bavaird JP, the High Sheriff of Tyne and Wear, in recognition of great and valuable services to the community. In the image above you can see the High Sheriff presenting the commendation certificate to Michael, one of our volunteers, alongside the Mayor of Gateshead, Councillor Dot Burnett, who was also in attendance.

We are deeply grateful for this commendation, and for the help of our volunteers and supporters which made the evening such a success!

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